Does program delivery take too long for you? Do you wish you could individualize more, but just don't have the resources? Look no further.
*Microsoft Excel Version 365 or newer.
*All teachers and students can download the newest version for free on the Microsoft website. Tutorial video in the preview!
- Excel File to Download
- Player Information Database
- Training Maxes + Training Numbers for Lifts You Don't Test/Track
- Full Exercise Index Tab
- MACRO-ENABLED PRINT-ALL FEATURE! No more individual printing for each athlete!
All you do for this template is pick your exercise, then type in sets, reps, and percentages. The template does the rest for you.
Cut your programming time down and increase productivity with the Automated Programming Template today!
Must have Microsoft Excel application downloaded to your computer. Remember to select "yes" when Excel asks you to *ENABLE MACROS*.
Please watch the tutorial video first to learn the flow and ins-and-outs of the template. It is imperative that you understand how it is built so you do not break the coding and infrastructure of the template.